Sunday, 5 January 2014

An Introduction

Hi friend and reader.

This blog was a pretty spur-of-the-moment decision on a rainy Sunday afternoon.  Over the past couple of years I've read a lot more, and a lot more variety, and I've definitely rediscovered my love of reading.  It was always there, but I feel like it got pushed to the side a bit as I went through university and started trying to figure my life out.  Now I'm 25 and am able to enjoy relaxing with a good book again.

I try not to buy new books all the time, but see them as a treat - usually on pay day.  This means I get to really enjoy the anticipation and also have the time to really read (and re-read if necessary) before buying the next one.  It also means I can listen to recommendations, so if you have any please let me know!

Genre-wise I'll read pretty much anything.  I grew up with Roald Dahl and Jacqueline Wilson; my teens were spent in the company of The Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley Twins.  I flirted with chick lit for a few years before being introduced to fantasy and darker, post-apocalyptic writing.  For several years a certain boy wizard was a key part of my reading.  I have bought books purely based on their cover illustration (I know, 'you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover' and all that, but in these cases it went well).

So now you know me, I hope this blog introduces some great books to you.  My aim is to post once a week, which gives me time to read in between.  I'd go for twice weekly but it'd never happen.


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